St. Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra concerto competition - Anders McCarthy 1984

Anders McCarthy was a friend of mine from Wash. U, who played viola in the Youth Orchestra but also won its concerto competition on piano during his freshman year. This image was from a photo session we did at Wash. U (at the Women's Building?), only a very tight head-shot-crop of which was used, as shown below.

The other interesting connection here is that Anders' mom and my mom were college friends at the Eastman School of Music.

The SLSYO concert programs were included with those of the sponsoring St. Louis Symphony Orchestra in the Stagebill programs for that week's program.

1984 Stagebill cover 1984 Stagebill p15
1984 Stagebill p17
Anders McCarthy 1984

This image was shot on Tri-X (Kodak 5063) and developed in my darkroom in February or so of 1984. The negative was scanned on a Minolta Scan Dual II in June 2012.