Wizards of Ashkenaz 2014

The Wizards of Ashkenaz (a takeoff on the Wizards of Azkeban from the Harry Potter series) is a quartet of four young cantors who met and became friends while cantorial students at the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) in New York. They now all have jobs in differing parts of the country but get together for a few concerts a year, one of which was held at Beth El on April 29, 2012, and at which I shot photos. (One of their members is Beth El's own Hazzan Matthew Klein, second from left, below.)

The group used one of my photos in multiple places: on their web site, on their Facebook page, on their Kickstarter page raising money for their CD, and on the cover of their first CD, "Wizards Live".

Wizards web site
Wizards web site
Wizards Facebook site
Wizards Kickstarter site

The full gallery of my photos from their Beth El concert is here.
Beth El concert photo

Technical Information:
Canon EOS 20D, 159mm (70-200 f/4L)
1/40 sec at f/4.0, ISO 1600