Dr. Tom Cline (GSFC) plane crash (Feb 2015)

In early February 2015, Tom Cline, an emeritus scientist from the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA/GSFC and a very experienced pilot, was a passenger in a small plane that crashed on take-off. The pilot was a co-owner of that plane with him. Most fortunately, they both survived the crash. Local television news stories found my staff photo of Tom (from his biography page on the NASA/GSFC web site). Similarly, the Washington Post used the photo for a profile on Tom (since his gamma ray burst research intrigued reporters there).

Channel 7 WJLA, Washington:

Channel 7

Channel 9 WUSA, Washington:

Channel 9 WUSA

Washington Post:

Post web edition
Post print edition
Tom Cline staff photo

Technical Info:
Nikon E990 (3MP camera)
1/60 at f/3.6 at ISO 100
October 2, 2001