ADNET Systems SESDA IV contract rebid, Dec 2016

I work for a contractor named ADNET Systems, Inc onsite at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. I am part of a large 5-year contract called the Space and Earth Sciences Data Analysis (SESDA) contract. In the fall of 2016, ADNET was collecting information (as the incumbent on SESDA-III) to bid on SESDA-IV. I was asked to do two sets of photos, one of which was photos of ADNET employees at work around the company. Three of these were used across the top of the back cover of the contract proposal, shown below. (The crops and the feathering of the photos loses some of the composition of the originals showing what the people were doing.)

(The other set of photos were portraits of 20 members of the management team of ADNET, but that remains proprietary and is not included here.)

back cover:

ADNET back cover

front cover:

ADNET front cover Ernie Buchanan at bench Ken Simms at bench Arthurlina, Mike A, and Joe K at computer

Technical information:
Canon EOS 70D with EF70-200mm f/4L IS lens
Ernie: 1/30 at f/5 at ISO 800, 24mm focal length
Ken: 1/25 at f/4.5 at ISO 500, 67mm focal length
Three sysadmins (Arthurlina, Mike, Joe): 1/40 at f/4.5 at ISO 1250, 24mm focal length

This page assembled in November 2016, after the October 1, 2016 start of SESDA IV.