HSO Concerto Competition, April 2016

The biannual Hopkins Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition was held in late January, 2016, with the three winners being Stephanie Cai, piano, Winston Wu, piano, and Jordan Elum, violin.

I did a photo session (on stage at Shriver Hall) with them at the end of February. These images were used for the HSO web site, for the JHU Hub publication, and for the concert program.


In addition, the photo of the three soloists was cropped (just to show the two from the Engineering School) and used in the Winter 2017 of the JHU Engineering Magazine:
JHU Engineering Mag cover
JHU Engineering Mag p30

The HSO concert program for April 30, 2016 included, for the first time, a color insert:

concert insert front concert insert back
Jordan Elum Stephanie Cai Winston Wu
3 winners

Setup shot:
(Had to regularly move the piano around for different shots, because that was easier than redoing the lights!)
setup shot

Technical information:
Canon EOS 70D with Canon 24-105mm f/4L
1/160 sec at f/6.3 at ISO 100
Using several combinations of Alien Bees B800 lights, but mostly with two 64" PLM parabolic umbrellas (main & fill)