In March 2017, Montgomery Blair High School's spring musical was The Wiz. Two months later, members of the Drama Boosters (primarily parents) sent out thank you cards, with a card made on Snapfish from three of my show photos. (We were not involved in the production of the postcard at all.)

Noah was The Wiz for the show (double cast). More from the show: my complete gallery and my YouTube videos

Montgomery Blair Drama Boosters Thank You Card (The Wiz 2017)

Front and back of postcard:

TY card front
TY card back

End of Brand New Day (whole company)

Brand New Day

Noah as The Wiz in Y'all Got It

Noah in Y'all Got It

Scarecrow, Tin Man, Toto, Cowardly Lion, and Dorothy:

four main characters

Technical Information: Canon EOS 70D DSLR
Brand New Day: EF24-105mm f/4L at 24mm 1/60 at f/4 at ISO 3200
Y'all Got It: EF24-105mm f/4L at 105mm 1/100 at f/4 at ISO 2500
Quartet+Toto: EF70-200 f/4L IS at 1/125 at f/4 at ISO 1250