George Sonneborn - GSFC Scientific Colloquium (Feb 2018)

In January, 2018, George Sonneborn, the Project Scientist for Operations for the James Webb Space Telescope and a member of the Astrophysics Science Division requested me to update his 2005-era staff photo because an updated image was needed for advertising his giving the Goddard-wide Scientific Colloquium in mid-February. We took this photo in front of a large (6 or 7 foot diameter) circular image in the lab hallway of Building 34.

electronic sign @GSFC George Sonneborn, sci colloq poster
George Sonneborn, ASD/GSFC

Technical information:
Canon EOS 70D with 24-105mm f/4 L lens at 80mm
Canon 430 EXII flash in bounce flash configuration with Lumiquest 80-20 and Stroboframe flash bracket.
1/50 sec at f/5.0 at ISO 100
Page added March 2018.