Damon Bradley presents at DSP Conference

Dr. Damon Bradley is an engineer at NASA/GSFC and a friend whose office was 15 feet down the hall from me. After his time 'embedded' with the Astrophysics Science Division, he moved to become Branch Chief of the Instrument Electronics Development Branch at Goddard. I took this staff photo of Damon in April 2016.

Despite everything being shut down for the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Damon gave an invited talk on "Spectrometer Signal Processing Systems for NASA Space Applications" at the (virtual) DSP (Digital Signal Processing) conference in September 2020.

His talk (login required) can be found at https://www.embeddedonlineconference.com/session/Spectrometer_Signal_Processing_Systems_for_NASA_Space_Applications.

DSP web site
Damon Bradley portrait

Page added 30 December 2020.