Since 1991, I have taken staff photos of more than 950 people for the 400 member Astrophysics Science Division (ASD) and its predecessor, the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics (LHEA). Besides appearing in a local web-site (viewable internal to Goddard only), these images have been used many, many other places, such as the ASD Annual Report, byline photos for magazine articles, publicity photos for colloquium and seminar speakers (at GSFC and externally), obituaries, and many have even shown up as Facebook profile photos. These photos were taken in people's offices (as opposed to a studio or against a blank white wall) for visual variety and character, but hopefully with good lighting and posing nonetheless.
This collection was shot on 35mm film at first, and digitally since 2001.
Below is shown a sample sheet (reduced) for a poster of 165 images (out of the current 400 members).