HSO Web Site Credits
The web site was redesigned in July 2009 by David Friedlander, a long-time member of the HSO.
New features of the site include:
- W3C validated HTML pages
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) validated design
- modular design
- Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Analytics, Google Custom Site Search, Facebook, YouTube, photography integration.
Created with Vim, the VImproved editor
Repertoire & artist history lists created with Perl.
All photography © 1989-2012 David Friedlander except as noted.
Portrait and conducting photos of Jed Gaylin © by Alan Kolc.
Photographs of soloists are courtesy of the artists themselves and credited where known.
The HSO logo was designed by 2fold Collective, Baltimore.
A thank you is extended to previous HSO webmasters Keith Kaneda, Samira Saliba Phillips, and Douglas Fambrough.
Archival materials provided from the collections of David Friedlander, Keith Kaneda, John Blaisdell, and the HSO Archives.