On February 20, 2016, Congregation Beth El celebrated the formal installation of Rabbi Greg Harris as Senior Rabbi of the congregation. (He was elevated to senior rabbi summer 2015 following Rabbi Rudolph's retirement.)
Beth El Scroll, April 2016 edition (Vol 65, No. 8):
Rabbi Emeritus Bill Rudolph offers the priestly blessing to Rabbi Harris as part of the formal installation ceremony.
The organizing committee (Melanie Wine, Jim Lerner, Robin Lerner, Brad Wine, Jill Rider, Jeremy Rider) gives opening remarks.
Benjamin, Rebekah, and Rabbi Greg Harris enjoy the presentations.
Guest speaker Erica Brown greets Rabbi Harris after her remarks:
The full gallery can be found here on SmugMug.
Canon EOS 70D: shutter priority, auto-ISO.
Rabbi Harris remarks: 1/60 at f/4, ISO 1600, at 24-105mm f/4 L at 80mm
committee remarks: 1/60 at f/4, ISO 3200, at 24-105mm f/4 L at 105mm
blessing: 1/50 at f/4 at ISO 2000, 70-200 f/4 L at 140mm
family: 1/50 at f/4 at ISO 2500, 70-200 f/4 L at 135mm
Erica Brown: 1/50 at f/4 at ISO 1250, 70-200 f/4 L at 98mm