Articles by Michael Friedlander
A selection...
Rebuttal to Howard Margolis article about Project Chariot
Science, 1961, v134.
Predictions of fallout from Project Chariot
Nuclear Information newsletter
1961, Vol 3.
complete issue contains articles about the physics (above) and biology
of the proposed tests, plus information about the people, animals, birds,
and fish of the Cape Thompson (Alaska) area.
Nuclear Digging
Scientist and Citizen, 1964.
This article comprised the entire 20 page issue!
Nuclear Powered Gasbuggy
Scientist and Citizen, 1968.
How Many Children?
Environment magazine (CEI)
December 1969
Is This Trip Necessary? (about conference travel)
Wash U Magazine, Winter 1970.
Nature 1975: Good for Science?
(defending tenure)
1980 Wash U Magazine: Archaeoastronomy
Science Fact or Science Fiction?
St. Louis Post-Dispatch op-ed
May 9, 1989
The same op-ed was also published in the
Palm Beach Post (Florida) and
Salt Lake Tribune (Utah)
on May 11 and 14, respectively.
It was also published a year-and-half later in
The Scientist newspaper (tagline: "The Newspaper for the Science Professional").
(website of The Scientist)
- Cosmic Rays: A Thin Rain of Charged Particles
1990 Mercury Cosmic Rays
Mercury (magazine)
September/October 1990
Tips for Sympathetic Symposium Speakers (quoting Planck)
Physics Today
- Letter to the editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education (Jan 1996)
"Saying 'No Thanks' to Tenure"
Letter rebutting tenure weakening
Jan 12, 1996
1997 WU Law Quarterly Academic Freedom and Its Defenders (for Dale Swihart)
WU Law Quarterly 1997: Academic Freedom and Its Defenders
- Galileo had accurate vision of the Moon
Nature, December 1999
Letter to the editor
Looking ahead: Predictions
Post-Dispatch Op-Ed, 02 Jan 2000
Heisenberg's Nobel-lauded "uncertainty" principle was an outgrowth of
the development of the bomb
Part of "The art and science of 'Copenhagen'" (the play)
Post-Dispatch, "Ideas" section (Arts & Entertainment), 7 April 2002.
Also note two related 2002 public talks related to the play described
A Life of Genius and Tragedy
Physics World, November 2005.
An extended background and review of two books on Robert Oppenheimer.
The Cahokia Sun Circles
The Wisconsin Archeologist
2007 vol 88, pp 78-90
Atomic Bombs, Fallout and Baby Teeth
St. Louis Beacon, January 9, 2009.
The Beacon was an online alternative newspaper started by former journalists from
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. (
Also: A
thank you note from the editor.
Discovery with no statistics required, letter
Physics World, December 2010.
Nature: A Century of Cosmic Rays
March 22, 2012 (Vol 483).