South African Table Tennis Union

Michael was active playing table tennis in South Africa, through the University of Cape Town (including beyond his undergraduate days) and separately through the South African Table Tennis Union.

I don't know a lot of the details, but from these documents here, scanned from a scrapbook of his of table tennis items, it appears he was the Organizing Secretary of the Western Province Table Tennis Association. In addition (concurrently?) he was the Secretary/Treasurer of the South African Table Tennis Association. In these roles, he was centrally involved in planning and executing for the Seventh National Championships held in Cape Town in August 1952. (This was only a month or two before he left for Bristol!)

Although the scrapbooks contained tournament programs, newspaper clippings, and more, it is not clear to me that he played in these tournaments.

The "Ayton Road, Rondebosch" address listed various places below was his home, where his parents lived for another 30 years.

table tennis team
Michael with teammates on table tennis team.

roughly July 1952. (He is second row, left.)
SATTU letterhead
Letterhead of South African Table Tennis
showing "Organizing
Secretary/Treasurer: M. Friedlander"
March 1952.
Julius Lewin letter
Letter from Michael's uncle, Julius Lewin

on race relations and table tennis
October 1951