Washington University Flag at Half Staff for Michael

Michael's funeral was on Sunday, May 2, 2021. The next day, I (David) wrote on Facebook:

My entire family is totally stunned, humbled, and honored by the fact that Washington University has decided to fly the university flag on Brookings Hall (the main administration building and architectural symbol of the university) at half staff in honor of my dad, Michael Friedlander, who died last Thursday morning. It will remain so for three days, until the sunset on May 5th. (There is currently a note about the flag near the top of the main https://wustl.edu web site.)

Shown below are daytime and nighttime photos from today, as well as a panorama that shows Brookings Hall and (on the far right), the white dome of the Crow Observatory, for which my dad served as director for several decades.

WUSTL main page
Main www.wustl.edu web page on May 3, 2021

denoting University flag at half staff for Michael.

Some weeks later, the University mailed a fold-open portfolio (12x20 inches) to Jessica,
along with a letter from the Chancellor, to accompany and acknowledge the flag having been lowered, and to recognize Michael's career.

portfolio with letter and photo
Condolence letter from Wash U Chancellor

in a 12x20" portfolio. (dated May 10, 2021)
PDF of letter by itself
Photos by David on an iPhone 8.

Note that the front steps of Brookings Hall are the location for the Physics Department annual photos (shown on the physics page on this site).