What's New/Changelog

6 December 2023

Six new pages:

29 April 2023

On the second anniversary of Michael's death

9 pages, 18 PDF documents and 46 images added to the site!

Over the summer and fall of 2022, I was helping my mom, Jessica, in the task of preparing to downsize from their house to an apartment. In the end, nearly 25 additional banker boxes worth of material (a full four-drawer filing cabinet plus more) was given to the Washington University Archives (and other material was kept or discarded). I went through a lot of this page by page, both to determine what was appropriate for the archives and what material I might want to add to this web site.

The most major addition to the site this time is actually external (unrelated) to my parents' house:
a transcript of Michael's participation in a debate with Edward Teller on the BBC in September 1971.

New pages

Revised pages

  • Education and Universities page. Added Bristol's H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory brochure (1956); more information on the significance of the G-Stack Collaboration paper; scanned cloth patches from Sea Point Boys School and UCT; revised information about Brian May.
  • CNI & Baby Tooth Survey page. Replaced graphic at the top of the page of a scan of the Baby Tooth Survey logo with scan of two actual buttons I had found in the house; Found St. Louis Beacon article (2009) (web printout which I scanned) when I previously only had a thank you note from the editor (still on this web page) and a submitted draft of the article text. Added circa 1960 Baby Tooth Survey original booklet. Also included the Amchitka testimony page referenced above.
  • Books page. Found original Washingtonian Magazine article with photo of Einstein sculpture (National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.) with a stack of science books, including "Fringes of Science." Added name of magazine, corrected date of magazine issue and added copyright credits.

Other new documents

Exhibit on Michael's Career at Washington University Olin Library

Also worthy of note: Graduate Student Emily Alberts has worked with Wash U Archivist Sonya Rooney to organize Michael's donated papers. She also decided to do her final project, completing her master's degree in museum studies, on Michael's career. This exhibit, "Reaching New Heights: The Life and Legacy of Michael W. Friedlander", will run for about four months (May 27—Sep 17, 2023) in the Special Collections Reading Room at Olin Library on the Wash U campus.

28 June 2022

While researching for this site, I (David) ran across a number of bibliographic entries for videos (mostly VHS, some DVD) of lectures and colloquia that Michael had given at Wash U over the years. These were all being held by the Washington University Archives. I sent an inquiry this spring to Sonya Rooney, the WU Archivist, whom I had already met a few times because many of Michael's papers were donated to the archives, starting in 2018. She graciously agreed to have these digitized, and I just got the results from her a week ago.

Thus on the Multimedia page, I have added four videos, ranging in time from 1994 to 2004:

My thanks and credit to Sonya Rooney and her colleagues at the Washington University Archives.

23 May 2022

Having visited home in St. Louis in mid-May, I (David) looked for a variety of documents, finding most of them, and also ran across a series of other documents I was not expecting.

These have now been incorporated into the site.

Most unusual addition (Credit: Walt Schalick) [This is unrelated to the trip to St. Louis] :

In several cases, I had images of the first page of an article but had been unable to track down the full text online. In my father's files I found paper copies of the complete article for each of the following:

New photos to illustrate existing pages:

More updates:

29 April 2022

Initial public release of this site, on one-year anniversary of Michael's death.